H E L L O ! ! !
Come on guys, give this imaginative writer a break. Fascinated to read about Tunnels in The Independent. This was the book originally entitled The Highfield Mole. What's this about Barry Cunningham of The Chicken House picking it up from being a sell-out in one Norfolk bookshop? Oh come on, there's more to this story than meets the eye. The secondhand sales are going through the roof. There are signed copies that make it look as though the authors are already famous. More power to their elbow but how did they do it? Anyway, probably a great book, and the half a million pounds price tag for foreign sales seems just about right. I notice The Chicken House publication is substantially longer. Is that more pages or a different font and layout? Also, who was the person who told J. K. Rowling Rowling that children's books wouldn't make her rich? There are two versions out there, one referring to Christopher Little and the other to Barry Cunningham. There are also two versions over who spotted its potential. One says it was Nigel Newton's 8 year old daughter who insisted the book was brilliant and dad ought to publish it. Here, Barry Cunningham is saying he loved it from the first chapter. Even Jo, who credits Cunningham, says there's a problem with the first chapter since she had to put in so much information without giving the story away. I'd love to find out the truth. I'd also love to know who turned it down and what their reasons were for taking this course of action. Some dream, eh! Any of you want a mega blockbuster? Then you could do worse than go for THE DARK KINGDOM. I promise you this will sell in huge quantities. Remember, you heard it here first.
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