Friday 27 April 2007

Hello World

Since I can get my blogs up simply by typing in my name I'd best be careful what I write. You never know who might be picking me up. In case you want to know, I am the best author you have never read, but you shall do so soon. I would describe my work as being of the Dostoyevskian type, trying to tell a universal truth through a great, powerful and potent story. That's all we writers do. We're not philosophers and we're not psychiatrists. We do, though, see things that others miss, although we can be the most ignorant creatures on earth in our daily dealings. Part of us apparently living in another world. One of the strangest aspects of this work is where the stories come from. They seem to bear no relation to the material side of life, coming in strong when times get worse. They need to have security and an element of peace to be brought into this world. It's no good leaving them inside our heads. An artist has to get out there and motivate people. We have to enter their minds.

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