Monday, 23 April 2007

Finding an Agent

Great news. Some of them have embraced the modern technology, ie email off their websites. So, this evening quite a few have winged their electronic way to London and New York. However, no matter how easy that seems I do recall the past two I sent all the way to London. Neither got a response, not until I sent snail mail. That's a bit disappointing. There again, it could be a great way of reducing the post. Here's a calming picture.

Good. Didn't that work well. It's Windsor Castle in the Spring, in case you didn't know.
Part of me, after a darned good meal of brisket and horseradish, feels a little sorry for these agents. They may have positioned themselves as the new Literary Gods but with that comes a price. As most publishers refuse to even countenance looking at the grubby works of authors it's left to the Gods to make the choices. That must put them under enormous pressure to increase the staff so needing bigger one-off advances to pay these people, who're probably relatively cheap, doing work experience from Uni, I guess.
Don't worry, dear reader, I've not gone soft in the head. The moment of feeling sorry has now passed.

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